untaian kata kepada dunia

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What I learned in Life Is...

What I learned in life is...
That no matter how good a person is,
sometimes they can hurt you & because of this we must forgive.
It takes years to build trust and only seconds to destroy it ..
We don’t have to change friends if we understand that friends change..
The circumstances and the environment influence on our lives,
but we are the one who responsible for ourselves..
That you have to control your acts or they will control you..
That patience requires much practice.. that there are people who love us,
but simply don’t know how to show it..
That sometimes the person you think will hurt you and make you fall..
Is instead one of the few who will help you to get up..
You should never tell a child that dreams are fake, it would be a tragedy if they knew..
It’s not always enough to be forgiven by someone,
in most cases you have to forgive yourself first..
That no matter in how many pieces your heart is broken, the world doesn’t stop to fix it ..
May be God wants us to meet all the wrong people first before meeting the right one..
So when we finally meet the right one we are grateful for that gift ..
When the door of happiness closes, another door opens..
but often we look so long at the closed one.. we don’t see what was open for us ..
The best kind of a friend is the kind in which you can sit on a porch and walk…
Without saying a word & when you leave it feels it was the best conversation you ever had.
It’s true we don’t know what we have until we find it, but its also true,
we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives..
It only takes a minute to offend someone, an hour to like someone,
a day to love someone, but it takes a life time to forget someone.
Don’t look for appearances, they can be deceiving, don’t go for wealth even that can fade,
Find someone who makes you smile, because it only takes a smile to make a day better,
find what makes your heart smile..
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much..
that you wish you can take them out of your dream and hug them for real..
Dream what you want, go wherever you want to go.. because you have only one life..
and one change to do the things you want to do ..
The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything,
they just make the best of everything that comes their way.
The best future is based on the forgotten past..
You can’t go on well in life until you let go of your past failures and heartaches.Perfectly-Imperfect2

taken from paulo coelho
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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Manuscript Found in Accra

15 May 2013

Beberapa minggu yang lalu hari yang kami (baca: DJKN 15) nantikan dan bikin kami mual, pusing 7 keliling tiba. Hari apakah itu? Yap hari penempatan sodara-sodara!!!!! Sebelumnya udah +/- 5 bulan kami magang di direktorat-direktorat yang ada di direktorat jenderal kekayaan negara a.k.a DJKN yang merupakan salah satu direktorat jenderal/ eselon I di Kementerian Keuangan.

Sebelum penempatan kami ber15 udah magang di 2 direktorat. Magang pertama aku bareng sama Icha di Sekretariat di bagian Organisasi Kepatuhan Internal (OKI), trus kita pindah ke direktorat Barang Milik Negara (BMN), aku di BMN I, Icha di BMN II. 

Pas magang di OKI enak, sering dapet makan gratis..ahahha..orang-orangnya juga asiik..sering curhat-curhatan sama mbak-mbaknya. Di BMN juga gak kalah asik, belum apa-apa aku udah disuruh bikin kajian untuk rancangan peraturan menteri keuangan. Deg-degan tapi asik. Diajak bikin peraturan-peraturan gitu lah. Tapi baru aja 2 minggu belajar di BMN udah ditarik jadi sekretaris Dirjen KN..ooo la laaa~

Awalnya sih udah denger desas-desus kalo aku direkomendasiin tapi yah cuek aja sih. Semua mungkin terjadi gak gitu mikirin. Dan lagian aku lebih tertarik di direktorat teknis. Kalo jadi sekretaris kan administratif banget ya. Pas disuruh magang di Ses Dirjen yang ada di pikiranku adalah ini hanya magang, semua bisa terjadi. Bisa aja aku gak di sini bisa aja ditempatkan di tempat lain.


Hari penempatan tiba daaaaaaaaan saya tetap di posisi saya sebagai sekretaris Direktur Jenderal. Ada yang bilang emang sih ci jauh banget dari latar belakang pendidikanmu, tapi syukuri aja, kamu dekat dengan pimpinan, lakukan yang terbaik, everybody notices you. Untuk networking bagus itu ci. Tapi gak sedikit juga yang bilang..yampuuun ci jangan mau ah di sana, kamu kan S1, gilak kesian banget kamu, 4 tahun kuliah akuntansi eh ujung-ujungnya kok jadi sekretaris.

I can tell im such a motivated person. I tend to look at the bright side in every situation. But in this case, no matter how hard i try to motivate my self, pada akhirnya lama kelamaan adaa aja omongan orang yang mendemotivasiku. Dan ini bertolak belakang dengan karakterku yang cuek dan gak pedulian sama apa kata orang.

Agak kesel juga sama orang-orang yang underestimate dan kasih demotivasi alih-alih motivasi gitu sampe akhirnya ngetweet soal pay our dues. 

Ketika sudah memutuskan terjun ke dunia kerja artinya sudah siap untuk berkomitmen dengan "paying our dues" begitulah cara kita maju.
Paying our dues ya menjalankan tugas yang diberi even seems like gak oke banget dikerjain sama kita yang kualifikasinya jauh di atas itu
Tapi ketika atasanmu apalagi atasan tertinggi di tempatmu bekerja menunjukmu "langsung" u/ melaksanakan tugas, etis&pantaskah jika menolak?
Walaupun gak sesuai harapan kita, merasa kita bisa melakukan lebih dari tugas yang dikasih, ya kudu profesional & jd pembelajar yg baik
That's part of paying our dues. Do we have choice to refuse? I think we do. But i choose to pay my due.
"You should say no", "it's not good position"..well, stop telling people who choose to pay their dues. People who choose to be professional.
Alhamdulillah aja sik ditunjuk langsung karena pada terkesan dengan kepribadian dan tingkah laku kita
Rangkaian tweet kali ini dipersembahkan kepada yang mungkin..mungkin lho ya.. belum paham sama konsep "paying our dues" di tempat kerja.
Dan dipersembahkan jg kpd yg nyinyir sm ppl who choose to pay their dues. Only God knows where the best place for you. Just be yourself best 
Only God knows the best place for you. Just be yourself best and shine bright like a diamond..uyeeaaah ƪ(‾▿‾)ʃ
Nah kemudian udah dari kapan ngebet banget beli  Manuscript Found in Accra nya Paulo Coelho. Dan seperti biasa his words left me in awe. Dan ada satu chapter yang ngena banget buat aku dan temen-temen yang ngerasa gak puas ato gimana lah sama pekerjaannya..here it is:

"work is the manifestation of love that binds people together. Through it, we discover that we are incapable of living without other people, and that they need us just as much.
There are two types of work:
the first is the work we do because we have to in order to earn our daily bread. In that case, people are merely selling their time, not realizing that they can never buy it back.
They spend their entire existence dreaming of the day when they can finally rest. When that day comes, they will be too old to enjoy everything life has to offer. Such people never take responsibility for their actions. They say: "I have no choice"
However, there is another type of work, which people also do in order  to earn their daily bread, but in which they try to fill each minute with dedication and love for others.
This second type of work we call the Offering. The person making the Offering is always rewarded. the more he shares out his affection, the more his affection grows.
The Offering is a wordless prayer. And like all prayers, it requires discipline--not the discipline of slavery, but of free choice.
There's no point in saying: "Fate was unfair to me. While others are following their dreams, here I am just doing my job and earning my living."
Fate is never unfair to anyone. We are all free to love or hate what we do.
When we love, we find the same joy in our daily activity as do those who one day set off in search of their dreams.
No one can know the importance or greatness of what they do. Therein lies the mystery and the beauty of the Offering: it is the mission that was entrusted to us, and we, in turn, need to trust it.
The laborer can plant, but he cant say to the sun: "shine more brightly  this morning". He cant say to the clouds: "make it rain this evening". He has to do what is necessary: plow the field, sow the seeds, and learn the gift of patience through contemplation.
He will experience moments of despair when he sees his harvest ruined and feels that all his work was in vain. The person who has set off in search of his dreams will also have moments when he regrets his decision, and then all he wants is to go back and find a job that will pay him enough to survive.
The following day, though, the heart of every worker or every adventurer will once again be filled with euphoria and confidence. Both will see the fruits of the Offering and will be glad.
Because both are singing the same song: the song of joy in the task that was entrusted to them.
Through the offering you are allowing others to love you. And you are teaching others to love through what you offer them."

So, guys...
Let's make the Offering
and remember...
wherever you are
whatever you do
do yourself best
so you can be yourself best

Keep on Fighting!!!!
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too soon

I have adored you right after we met
Always wondering why dont we be together instead
Time passed so fast without we realized that
It's been 4 years from the first time we met

Do you realize that i keep trying to exist in your world
Trying to shake you and say "hey, im here, look at me"
While our world keep spinning around
You with your lovers, me with mine

But then somehow we are now here
Trying to embrace the feeling that we try to hold on
I keep thinking is this our time?
That our path finally crossed

At first It seems so nice, unpredictable
All of sudden, all i know is i want you more than anything
I dont wanna lose you

Time flies and now i feel it fades away
Dont you think it's all too soon?
Dont you think we're in a rush?

What if...
We give it a little time
It will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find

*it's been in my draft box for a while, i finished writing it on 19/2/13. Pretty long till it's published, eh?

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There's no such ultimate truth, you know.
Universal truths have many windows. Don't be suck in arguing which window is better, looking inside is more important.

Apa yang menurut saya benar, belum tentu benar menurut pandangan orang lain.

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